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Measures (CPM) meeting in late March at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.

            The  purpose  of  the  TC-RPPO  is  to  encourage  inter-regional  cooperation  in  the  application  of
            harmonized  phytosanitary  measures  and  the  implementation  of  international  standards  for
            phytosanitary  measures  (ISPMs),  and  provides  a  forum  for  consultation  and  exchange  of
            phytosanitary intelligence among regions. The TC-RPPO contributes to the work program of the CPM,
            specifically  to  the  Implementation  of  the  IPPC  Strategic  Framework  (2020-2030)  Development
            Agenda items.

            NAPPO hopes to organize the first multi-day face-to-face TC-RPPO meeting since the 31  TC-RPPO
            hosted by the Inter-African Phytosanitary Council (IAPSC) in Abuja, Nigeria in 2019. Tentative dates
            for the 35  TC-RPPO are 23-27 October 2023. Possible meeting venues being discussed with the
            IPPC Secretariat include Bogotá, Colombia and Rome, Italy. Stay tuned for updates!

                    Meetings between NAPPO and the European and

                Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization – EPPO

            NAPPO Executive Committee members from Canada and the United States travelled alongside the
            NAPPO  Executive  Director  to  attend  a  meeting  with  EPPO  at  their  headquarters  in  Paris  in  mid-
            January  2023.  The  EPPO-NAPPO  meeting  was  organized  in  conjunction  with  the  EPPO  Panel  on
            Global Phytosanitary Affairs. Discussion topics included the latest information and planned workshop
            on Sea Containers, the Implementation of the IPPC Strategic Framework (2020-2030) and its eight
            Development Agenda Items, potential adjustments to the CPM Chairperson in 2024-2025, long-term
            sustainable funding mechanism for ePhyto, climate change impacts of Pest Risk Analysis, One Health
            and  Plant  Health,  IPPC-ISPMs  and  Annexes  to  ISPMs  under  development,  possible  collaboration
            between EPPO and NAPPO and future EPPO-NAPPO meetings, among others.
            The group agreed to reconvene in Rome on the Sunday before the 17  Commission on Phytosanitary
            Measures  (CPM-17)  meeting  in  late  March  to  examine  and  share  CPM-17  regional  positions.  The
            January 2024 EPPO-NAPPO meeting will be hosted by NAPPO and held somewhere in the United
            States. In addition to strategic topics, the 2024 meeting hopes to include a technical issues section,
            where  NPPO  experts  from  both  regions  can  come  together  and  address  specific  technical  issues
            identified by the regions.

                          Participants of the NAPPO-EPPO meeting at the EPPO Headquarters in Paris,

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